The advanced manufacturing and logistics (AML) industries are the backbone of Indiana’s economy, employing more than 500,000 Hoosiers and contributing more than any other industry sector to Indiana’s gross state product. We make and move products that fuel the global economy—from automobiles, to jet engines, medical devices and medicines.
The global advanced manufacturing and logistics industry sectors, however, are at a crossroads—challenged to adopt smart technologies, automation and data analytics to increase competitiveness, productivity and profitability. How Indiana’s advanced manufacturers and logistics companies respond to the advent of Industry 4.0 impacts every aspect of the Hoosier economy as well as the global economy.
It’s against this backdrop that Conexus Indiana and the Indiana University Kelley School of Business Center for Excellence in Manufacturing launched an annual survey of Indiana manufacturers to measure Indiana’s progress toward Industry 4.0 adoption. Our first study, “Charting Indiana’s Path from Early Adoption to Widespread Application of Industry 4.0 Technologies,” was published in 2020. “The First Signpost on the Road from Early Adoption to Widespread Application of Industry 4.0 Technologies” is our second report, the findings of which clearly show progress and momentum.
Download the report here.