IN-MaC mobilizes our resources, expertise and network to invigorate manufacturing talent pipelines and advance abilities to overcome the barriers to achieve Industry 4.0. Areas of concentration include the Intelligent Manufacturing Testbed (IMT), Education & Workforce Development (E&WD), and the Industry Implementation Program (I2P). IN-MaC is hosted by Purdue University in partnership with Ivy Tech Community College and Vincennes University.
Our offerings include industry projects to translate industrial IoT and advanced machining skillsets. We conduct regular seminars and hands-on workshops to help companies prepare for digital transformations, and work with educators and communities to embolden the talent pipeline. We support companies in implementing new methods to make quicker, better-informed decisions and welcome all inquiries to discuss how we can help you be more successful.
Ways to Engage
IN-MaC catalyzes the development and translation of technologies and capabilities to support manufacturers for sustained growth and success. Our Testbed discovers and demonstrates tools and applications across digital networks (IoT, OT and IT) that enhance value for companies of all sizes.
Intelligent Manufacturing Testbed (IMT)
- IN-MaC administers Purdue’s Intelligent Manufacturing Testbed in conjunction with the Manufacturing Design Lab (MDLab) and Digital Enterprise Center (DEC). The Testbed provides a platform for research in smart manufacturing and the digital twin, and a collaboration space to develop and demonstrate new tools and methods (industry, university). Our testbed also prepares students and the workforce for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Industry Implementation Program (I2P)
- IN-MaC’s I2P provides short-term expertise to manufacturers when implementing high-impact, high-return projects within and across their value chain. Areas of specialization include: digital engineering, product and process simulation, production optimization, product lifecycle management, supply chain integration, and data intelligence. The program is delivered by Purdue faculty and staff experts and compliments Indiana’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP).
Education and Workforce Development
- IN-MaC activates the formation of manufacturing skillsets through a variety of programs and experiences for K-16 students, educators at all levels, and incumbent workers. We augment education pathways and create opportunities to develop technical literacy, cross-discipline agility, design thinking and problem-solving skills across a range of ability and experience levels.