State of Indiana’s Advanced Manufacturing Workforce
The lack of skilled workers has been a persistent problem for the nation’s – and Indiana’s – advanced manufacturing industry. The talent development challenge is clear and Hoosier manufacturers, state leaders and Conexus Indiana are squarely focused on solutions.
“The State of Indiana’s Advanced Manufacturing Workforce” paints a vivid and comprehensive picture of today’s workforce and uncovers opportunities to skill up more Hoosiers to succeed in the advanced manufacturing industry.
Statewide Report
A statewide look at Indiana’s advanced manufacturing workforce, covering workforce and wage numbers, the cost of unfilled positions, the education pipeline, the adult pipeline and more.
Regional Profiles
A look at the state of our advanced manufacturing workforce regionally – covering each Indiana Department of Workforce Development region, 1-11.
Regional Profiles
A look at the state of our advanced manufacturing workforce regionally – covering each Indiana Department of Workforce Development region, 1-11.
Industry Action Plan
Leakproof: Strengthening Indiana’s Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics Workforce Pipeline provides commentary on the State of Indiana’s Advanced Manufacturing Workforce report and an action plan for improving Indiana’s “leaky” worker pipeline.
2022 Statewide Workforce Report
Preview the 2022 State of Indiana’s Advanced Manufacturing Workforce report below or download the report here.
2022 Regional State of the Workforce Profiles
Regional workforce profiles were created for all 11 Department of Workforce Development regions. Each profile addresses the unique workforce data specific to the region.

Identify your region on the map and click on the region number below to view and download the profile.